Log Data Consulting

Stay ahead of your competitors in the digital economy by leveraging the logging framework

Utilizing log management is a proactive measure that any business should take complete advantage of. By using the full array of log management tools, you will stay ahead of potential problems, have a clearer understanding of the internal goings-on in your systems, beef up your security, speed up your troubleshooting processes, and develop superior measures for dealing with common and unwanted issues.

Banyan Data Services helps you to build solutions for the real-time log management of your business systems and have our Cloud and Data SMEs to be a part of your resource augmentation to implement various log management used cases of IT infrastructure and applications.

Log Aggregation

Often log files are cumbersome to manage and difficult to read and interpret. There are various sources of logs, as well as log types like server and application logs, container logs, Mobile Devices, and IOT logs. We help you to unify the logs from heterogeneous data sources into a common data aggregation platform.

Log Search & Analysis

We expertise in building the log search and analysis capabilities with the right index strategy and co-relation analysis of the logs from various endpoints of different systems, to support many critical used cases such as security policy compliance, regulatory compliance, IT system troubleshooting, and customer behavior.

Log Monitoring and Alerts

In recent years, emerging of a hybrid cloud environment is influencing the localization of your infrastructure stack to a remote computing environment and store in multi-data technologies, which spread across different geographic locations. To keep your business systems up and running all the time, our solutions and tools are designed to provide the continuous log monitoring and our global 7X24 support teams consist of SREs and data service engineers to handle the incident management of alerts effectively

Log Visualization & Reports

Help organizations find the right log visualization tools for their used cases. Our SMEs possess deep expertise in various logging tools and open source frameworks that integrate and showcase the logs and reports for the intelligent decision support systems.
Supporting Technologies
Apache Solr

Managed Services

Business Analytics

Data Consulting

Data Security

Hybrid Cloud

Log Visualization

We help you in bringing together data log from applications, services, hosts, and devices to monitor applications and improve performance.

Success Stories

Log Data Consulting by
Banyan Data Services

With a team that possesses over two decades of experience in data management, We can help you in optimizing log queries of large data sets by saving time and improving the speed at which errors can be identified and resolved.

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Connect, organize and get things done to keep your IT business safe.


Connect, organize and get things done to keep your IT business safe.